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Need someone who understands Laravel Scout and Algolia

Upwork • , US • Remote

$25 - $50 / HOUR Apply Now
Posted on: 21st November, 2024
Employment Type: CONTRACTOR

Job Description

Looking to fix an issue that has been occurring for a while. Everytime I deploy changes to my laravel application, Laravel Scout will automatically run a batch job to update all records in Algolia. I have no idea how to stop this, because it's jarring Laravel Horizon Queue and then all of a sudden only half the results go in. If you've experienced this issue or know why it's happening please apply otherwise don't bother you'll just get lost.


  • Looking to fix an issue that has been occurring for a while
  • Everytime I deploy changes to my laravel application, Laravel Scout will automatically run a batch job to update all records in Algolia



Job Type




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